Our Framing Service

Kin and Castle art print framing options - white, black, oak, gold and silver frames available

Why not let us frame your prints for you?

Our frames are a contemporary, colour coated wooden design with plexiglass, so they're lightweight and easy to hang, and of course look great on your wall! 

Frames are available in a wide range - White, Black Oak, Silver and Gold*. Just select the frame you'd like from the dropdown on each product page. (Please note if you don't see the framing option you want in the dropdown menu, then please just email us at info@kinandcastle.com before you place your order, and we can easily arrange this for you!)

Then sit back and relax knowing that your prints will arrive ready to go and looking fab and you don't need to add 'buy a frame' to your to-do list! 

The width of the wood in our frames is 2cm, so to know the total width x height of a framed print, just add 4cm (1.6 inches) to both measurements of the unframed art print sizes above to get an approximate size - allow for some overlapping. Framed prints do not include a mount.

*please note, our gold and silver frames are not actual gold or silver and our oak frames are not solid oak, but they look the real deal on the wall!